Home Kid's DIY Fun Taking a Picture-a-Day of your baby!

Taking a Picture-a-Day of your baby!

by Meriah
A Picture A Day

Greetings! Hope you enjoyed my master bedroom makeover reveal. I still can’t stop staring at the room. It’s so relaxing! Awwwww. Well, today I have a something a bit different to share: taking a picture a day of your baby!

You guessed it, I take a picture a day of my babies … and not just for their first year. Every day of every year … so far. I became a mom in August of 2016 to my daughter, Harper. She was super tiny and cute and amazing and all the things. My heart was overjoyed at her arrival and I decided to take a picture a day of her and I haven’t stopped since!

Baby Harper – 2016

How taking a picture a day of baby started …

Truth be told, I actually started this practice with my first niece, Karlee. She was born in November of 2013. Being a first-time auntie, I couldn’t get enough pictures of her on the days I couldn’t see her in person, so I would beg my sister to send me a picture and it organically turned into me asking every day.

About a month or so in, I realized I had a picture every day that she’s been alive, so I kept it going for her entire first year. Unfortunately, we didn’t go past the first year with Karlee … but I’m glad I organized a picture a day for her first year.

Me and Karlee


So, when Harper came along and I started the picture a day with her, I decided to keep going after year one. Then year two came and just before year three we had Miles. Now I was taking a picture a day of each kid.

May of 2020, we had Sawyer and the practice continued. I’m just about a year in to taking a picture a day of three kids and sure, it’s hard work … but it is so worth it. With cameras so accessible nowadays on our phones, it not too bad.

What to do with all these pictures?

I’m sure you are wondering what I do with all these pictures, well … a couple things, actually!

First, I organize them on my computer by year and then number them 001 through 365, so they are in order by the day. I’ve included screenshots so you can see what I mean.

First year video

At the end of the first year, I put it together in a video along with some music. We call it 365 Days of Miles (or Harper and soon to be Sawyer!) and the first song I put on the video is the one that meant the most to me during the first few months with my new baby. With Harper it was I Get to Love You by Ruelle, Miles was I Get to Be the One by JJ Heller and Sawyer’s is coming soon! Then we post it on YouTube and share with family and friends!

Miles First Year Video

With Sawyer turning one around the corner, we are getting ready to put his first-year video together! Can’t wait to see it. It’s always full of so many memories that pass by too quickly.

Yearly book – or year book?

The second thing I do with my pictures a day is to put them in a book. Even though I do a video for the first year, I also create a book. I’ve been using Shutterfly and doing the books when I have a good coupon (one with unlimited pages is a must!). As you can see, I have several books for Harper who is now almost five and a couple for Miles … who will be three in July. I do one book per year! I guess it could be called a year book?

These books are easy to look through and provide me a trip down memory lane any time I grab one to look at them! Right now, I keep them up safely so the kids don’t rip the pages, but one day I’ll be able to keep some out on my coffee table so visitors can shuffle through them.

Not your typical DIY project … but one nonetheless

This isn’t a typical DIY project, but it’s definitely a labor of love … I know one day I’ll be so glad I have 18 years of books for each kid to look back through and watch them grow up before my very eyes, again! Taking a picture-a-day of your baby is one thing I’d recommend to any new mom or dad …. And it’s never too late to start!

How do you organize your kid’s pictures? Let me know in the comments below!

Be blessed!

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